Peer Reviewed Publications:
J. Morgan, I. Variansyah, S. Pasmann, K. Clements, B. Cuneo, A. Mote, C. Goodman, C. Shaw, J. Northrop, R. Pankaj, E. Lame, B. Whewell, R. McClarren, T. Palmer, L. Chen, D. Anistratov, C. Kelley, C. Palmer, K. Niemeyer, “Monte Carlo/Dynamic Code (MC/DC): An accelerated Python package for fully transient neutron transport and rapid methods development”, The Journal of Open Source Software, DOI:10.21105/joss.06415 (April 2024)
Energizing Regulation, Brown Political Review (January 2024)
The Quantum Bombe, Brown Political Review (October 2024)
Countering China:The New Norm in Defense Technology, Brown Political Review (April 2023)
Fighting for Food: UK Farmers After the Common Agricultural Policy, Brown Political Review (April 2023)
NASA in the Age of Commercialized Space, Brown Political Review (March 2023)